19.04.2018   -   29.06.2018

Call for Proposals

06.04.2018   -   13.05.2018

Through the Human Rights Journalism Fellowship, 10 young journalists will receive a mentorship in order to become part of, and lead, the next generation of journalism in Kosovo, one with insightful expertise on the human rights situation in the count..

28.03.2018   -   16.10.2018

IAVE and the Volunteer Center Augsburg are inviting proposals for presentations to be made in breakout sessions at the World Volunteer Conference to be held in Augsburg, Germany, October 16-20, 2018.

28.03.2018   -   24.05.2018

The focus of this Civil Society Days anniversary will be on fostering the current debate about the future of Europe and on highlighting the role across Europe of the CSOs that come together in the EESC to represent “Europe at work”.
